Melbourne, 23 November 2020 – Blackmore Capital Blended Australian Equities Fund rated STRONG
Australia Ratings Analytics (Australia Ratings) has assigned an investment rating of ‘STRONG’ to the Blackmore Capital Blended Australian Equities Fund (the Fund). A Product Complexity Indicator of ‘GREEN’ has also been assigned to designate the view that the Fund is a SIMPLE financial product, indicating that the performance is expected to move very closely in line with the corresponding market sector. This Fund is available to both retail and wholesale investors.
A STRONG investment rating indicates a strong conviction that the Fund can deliver a risk-adjusted return in line with the Fund’s investment objective.
The Fund is managed by Blackmore Capital (Manager), a Melbourne-based, long-only, Australian Equity boutique asset management business. The Manager seeks to generate long-term capital appreciation by investing in Australian listed equities; the aim is to do so with lower volatility and greater downside protection relative to the S&P/ASX 200 Accumulation Index benchmark. Blackmore Capital employ a benchmark unaware, high conviction approach that is based on comprehensive fundamental company and industry research; with the primary aim of the strategy being to identify and allocate capital to high quality stocks that are reasonably valued.
Since its inception, the Fund has outperformed the index with less volatility.
Australia Ratings’ analyst, Dragana Timotijevic, says “overall, we view the investment strategy as sound and aligned with the Manager’s objectives, resources, and competencies”. She added, “the rating also indicates the high level of confidence Australia Ratings has that the Fund will continue to deliver a strong risk-adjusted return”.
The research report is available from
Dragana Timotijevic, Director 03 8080 6684
Available on our website.
Australia Ratings is a local, independent rating agency that provides research and ratings on debt securities, investment products, and Operational Capability Assessments. As an ASIC-licensed rating agency, we provide general advice to the broader investment community through our detailed reports. We are Australia’s only agency that holds a retail Australian Financial Services Licence (AFSL). This enables both retail and wholesale investors to use our credit ratings to help them gauge credit risk and complexity of financial products sold in the Australian market.
Our investment rating reflects Australia Ratings’ current opinion of a fund’s or an investment’s ability to achieve its stated investment objectives in the near term.The rating expresses a view on the expected consistency of the fund’s or investment’s performance within its peer or style group and on the fund manager’s ability to produce superior performance amongst its peers in the near term with due regard to the medium-term consensus view of the asset class to which the product is benchmarked.
A five-point scale is used to differentiate our opinion on how well we believe a fund will perform against a range of risks. Click here to find out more.